The Services we offer at SAM & MUN Care Ltd


SAM&MUN is set to help your loved one enjoy a healthy, well-balanced diet. From assisting with shopping to meal planning and prep, our Care-workers can provide meals that appeal to all tastes and dietary restrictions.


We offer in-home respite care to give you a break from the responsibilities of being a family carer. A well-structured respite program includes regular, scheduled breaks. Taking time for respite can improve your overall well-being and make you a better carer as it can refresh you physically, emotionally, and mentally. Your loved ones also benefit from respite care. Introducing a new Care Professional can provide mental stimulation and keep the mind active. At the same time, the Care Professional will ensure that your family member’s routine remains unchanged


SAM&MUN offers vicarious support with personal care, including bathing, toileting, incontinence care, personal sanitation, dressing and grooming. Our dedicated Care-workers are highly trained – providing personal care promoting self-respect and dignity


We understand how vitally important it is to get medication management right. Our aim is to have all our care workers specially trained to ensure your loved ones are taking the correct medication at the frequency specified by their healthcare professional. We work closely with local GPs and can also provide assistance with transport to and from local pharmacies and GP appointments.


SAM&MUN can assist with a variety of light housekeeping services, such as washing and ironing, making beds and changing bedding, dusting and vacuuming, taking out the rubbish and many more. Our commitment is to help keep your loved one’s home clean, comfortable, and safe.


SAM&MUN act as dependable buddies to your elderly family members, providing not only practical assistance but also a listening ear. Your loved ones will benefit from consistent human interaction, and you can have the encouragement that they are safe and cared for.


Alzheimer’s disease not only affects the person with the condition, but also the entire family. Surviving with this progressive condition requires a great deal of patience, empathy, and love. Our Care-workers can provide tailored home care for your loved one, while also giving you some time to recharge. Our specially trained Care -workers provide a wide range of services to your loved one, such as: encouraging them to do as much as possible independently, maintaining a routine to reduce agitation and distress, providing mental stimulation through conversation and other activities, ensuring a safe environment, managing changing behaviours, adapting the level of care as the disease progresses, and helping with mobility and socialisation.


SAM&MUN offers specific support at home for those living with Parkinson’s. We intend to develop a partnership with Parkinson’s UK, to provide extensive training to our Care-workers ensuring your loved ones receive personalised support to maintain their independence at home.


Live-in is an alternative to residential care, live in care  allows your loved one to live in familiar surroundings whilst receiving the care they need. By living in your loved one’s home, our Care-workers can provide round-the-clock assistance with everything from medications, mobility around the home, meal prep and planning to support with more complex medical conditions


As a loved one’s health deteriorates, the focus may shift from cure to comfort. At this stage, Home Instead can offer support to provide personalised care in their own home. During this difficult time, you should be able to take off the ‘caregiver’ hat and simply be a loving daughter, son or grandchild. You can trust that our Care Professionals will allow you to do just that.